AREI 61: Getting Past the Fear of Your First Investment with Alexander Felice
If you are just starting out when your retirement savings are at risk, your fear of making your first investment can be severely impacted.
It is a fact of life that people feel emotions. And it is not in vain that they want to protect their nest egg.
Emotional people don't make the best investors. So we need to figure out how to prevent fear from affecting our investments.
Warren Buffett once said, "If you can't control your emotions, you can't control your money."
Alexander Felice have been a real estate investor since 2014, starting with buying distressed single family homes during the foreclosure boom and turning them into rentals. Once building a single family portfolio became boring, in 2019 he decided to purchase a 24 unit multifamily property, then in 2020 I purchased a 52 unit through syndication. Most recently he joined Climb Capital to work with a team and buy even bigger properties.
In this episode Alexander shares his strategy on how can we get past our fear of making our first investment. Come join us and listen in!
[00:01 - 01:23]
• We welcome Alexander Felice to the show
[01:33 - 03:39]
• Alexander Felice's background how he started investing in real estate.
[03:50 - 06:23]
• Did he kept his Single family properties? How he started Oink Doors?
[06:32 - 09:18]
• Blogging his journey on his website and started "Broke is A Choice"
[09:26 - 11:09]
• The best education he got for real estate?
[11:24 - 15:34]
• Where was his fear from investing coming from and what he did to overcome that?
[15:39 - 26:23]
• What gets him the most excited about real estate? RV Parks are coming
[27:04 - 34:42] Closing Segment
• Asking Alexander Felice the Adventurous Four
Memorable Quotes:
"Never Fear Risk, Always Manage it." - Alexander Felice
Connect with Alexander Felice
Until next time…
Explore more. Adventure awaits.