High Performance Habits: Part 1


Have you ever heard of high performance habits? High performance refers to succeeding beyond standard norms, consistently over the long term. The habits are what helps us succeed and break the norms consistently. The habits have to be consistent in order to create the long term change.

I joined a High Performance Habits group. The first six weeks covered discussing the different habits each week and then we transitioned into accountability with each other while we created, developed, and improved our habits. This is a 3 post series where I cover the different habits. In the first post, I will cover the 3 personal habits. In the second post, I will cover 3 social habits. In the third post, I will cover the 3 traps to be mindful of.

These habits aren’t something that become automatic because of the repetition. These habits are full of intention and based on purpose. You want to be clear on the decisions you are making and fully understand why you are making them. Going through the motions is death for high performance.

  1. SEEK CLARITY. We seek clarity for who we are and what we want.

    As Brendon writes:

“High performers are clear on their intentions for themselves, their social world, their skills, and their service to others.”

YOU have to be more intentional with how you are showing up for yourself, for your family and friends, and for your community. Give yourself the permission to be your highest self, to show up as you truly are. Are you expressing your creativity and allowing yourself to be creative? You want to create more habits that allows you to be contributing and doing something that matters. This is where you can find your meaning, your magic of life. Our real sense of growth in life is when we start to feel life more. We become more present in spirit, we become more enriched in our actions. You never want to run out of gas. You want to show up with joy and positivity. How do you take care of yourself in order to do that? If you aren’t caring for yourself or for others, people cant reciprocate and care for you.

Have the courage to ask for help when you need it!

You cannot have vibrant relationships if you don’t ask for what we need. Your ambitions for your relationships, your goals, your habits, all need to match the quality of life you want to experience. What is truly important to you? What is necessary for you to take commend of your actions? The lifestyle that you want for yourself and your family, should push you towards those actions. Find a community that will push you and help you succeed at that level. If you still need a little help, follow what you love learning and find out what makes your heart feel alive.


Ask yourself: In 1 year, if you were more confident and more joyous in your life, what would that future you be like? Describe your best self 1 year from now.

How do you want to deliver your service to the world? What do you want to contribute ultimately?

2. GENERATE ENERGY. Take responsibility of your energy. Good energy spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically. Your presence and your productivity are jeopardized if you cannot come into each day your maximum amount of energy or if you mismanage it.

Start by finding the things that get you excited, that naturally generate energy for you. For some people that could be movement or meditation. Make sure you are engaging in this activity everyday. This activity can also change, transitions happen for everyone so don’t feel stuck doing the same thing all the time. Just try to continue to generate the energy so you can be in alignment with your best self. Start off your way feeling successful and empowered.

Self care is extremely important for yourself. When you maintain a healthy relationship with yourself, you are able to transmit that good energy to others.

If you are struggling to find time for this, use your computer or phone calendar and track what you are doing hour by hour. It may seem exhaustive but once I started adding all of meetings, action items, reading time, dinner time, etc into each day. I found the gaps in my schedule and told myself I could use that time productively. Even with an extra 15 minutes, you could meditate or journal. Your best self involves self care, you deserve it!

Please be open if you have been struggling energetically. Your emotional and physically vitality matter to your daily success.


What activities in your life get you excited? How are you going to incorporate self care into your life?

What daily rhythm can you create to become more consistent with your self care habits?

3. RAISE NECESSITY. You won’t be motivated to push yourself to perform well if you don’t believe it is absolutely necessary.

Identity is something that is a part of all of us. We create labels for ourselves to match who we perceive ourselves to be. When our identity is in alignment with us, we feel good and empowered. How do we get to that empowerment though? Link your skills, routines, aspirations, values, traits, beliefs… whatever identifiers that make you who you are, to being good at those identifiers.

Challenge yourself to be great and create an internal demand for excellence.

Show up for yourself and show up for the people around you; your partner, your employer, your community, your children. There is more to life than work, all of these relationships require necessity as well. When you find a balance between showing up for yourself and others, the empowerment naturally comes.

What does your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plan look like? Are your daily actions moving you towards your bigger plan and goals? A plan will help keep you motivated and obsessed. Share your goals and plan with everyone around you. When you share it, you make a commitment to others and you also create accountability for yourself. If you live by your word, you will raise your necessity to complete your goals and plans.


Why is it necessary for you to be excellent within your identity? Who needs you on your A-game today?

Everyday you have a choice, taking little steps towards a better you, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

What is 1 step you can take today to create more clarity, energy, and necessity in your life? Please let us know in the comment section below!

Explore more. Adventure awaits.


High Performance Habits: Part 2


Goal Setting for 2021