AREI 68: Taking a Leap with Faith into Real Estate Investing with Lee Yoder

In these times of uncertainty, many of us are feeling  adrift in the vast emptiness of the unknown ocean that lies around us…  Many people are wondering if they should continue  with their full-time job or take the leap of faith and be an active or passive investor or even an entrepreneur.
In this episode Lee Yoder shares his story on how he and his wife took that leap of faith and were able to accomplish so much as couple in the multifamily real estate space. Come join us and listen in!

Lee was practicing physical therapist when he realized his true passion was building his own business and investing in real estate. He took this passion and considerable action to quickly build a portfolio with several small apartment buildings. He was able to quickly reposition this portfolio, bring it full cycle, and provide an incredible return for his investors. Today, Lee is focused on syndicating larger apartment buildings. 
 He is the founder and visionary behind Threefold Real Estate Investing, and he’s committed to forging a path that will generate incredible wealth and opportunity for all involved. His focus is driving the business forward by forging new relationships with top-notch professionals in the real estate world and bringing on more partners to invest alongside Threefold. Lee also hosts a podcast, Threefold Real Estate Investing, which discusses multifamily real estate investing, while also focusing on pursing better relationships with family and a better walk with Christ.

[00:01 - 00:46]• We welcome Lee Yoder to the show  
[00:50 - 05:54]• Lee Yoder's background on how he started investing in real estate.
[06:00 - 09:11]• How Lee was able to manage his time even after going back to his previous role to be able to start in real estate condition ourselves for what we're going to do that translates into real estate?
[09:14 - 12:45]• His duplex property and why he did want to be a Landlord and the evolution of his properties?
[12:49 - 16:31]• Lee's wife response to all the things that they were going through in this real estate investment journey?
[17:51- 23:19]• What excites him most right now? Lee's tips on how you could get your spouse on board in investing in real estate?
[23:20 - 28:41]•Closing Segment
•  Asking Lee Yoder the Adventurous Four


Memorable Quotes:

" When you're starting out passive investing, it's a good chance, you don't know anybody else that's doing it. Real estate may be totally new to you. So go out and meet other people that are doing it.

 You’ll gain a lot of confidence in it. You'll gain a lot of assurance. So I think networking is really key, whether you're going to be active or passive network, talk with other people that are already doing what you want to do. " - Lee Yoder

 "We move faster by moving slow."   - Lee Yoder


Until next time…


Explore more. Adventure awaits. 


AREI 69: The Inside Scoop of Building a Business with Karen Briscoe


AREI 67: The Life-Changing Power of Real Estate with Jeremy Hans